TERRAST connects investors, banks, and companies
to accelerate ESG management
ESG Investors and
Use Terrast as a One-Stop ESG data source for various markets
Compare and analyze diverse companies.
Run simulations and check latest news
Banks and SCM
Collect and Manage ESG data from partners, clients, supply chains
Curate Solution Offerings based on insights
ESG analytics tool
Provide ESG data management tool
Sustainable Lab has a large ESG Database of
publicly disclosed data as well as data from our system.
Provides instructions
and insight
ESG data
Enterprises and SMEs
Easy to learn, digital ESG data entry.
Analyze strengths and weaknesses.
Leverage and improve.
Share and publish data.
Open and alternative data
Flow of service delivery
Flow of data provision
User Cases
TERRAST is a platform that enables all professional firms' users to quickly and casually collect, organize, analyze and export ESG data. Currently, our product is used by everyone in the following business fields.
Disclosure and Diagnosis
Businesses that need to comply with the latest ESG standards
Market Analysis
Find Market Trends
Investigate industry trends in ESG data across over 4000 local and global companies over the last decade.
Run In-depth comparisons
Compare companies using over 200 high quality ESG metrics, disclosed objectives, and third party evaluations.
Gather the latest ESG news
Explore ESG news from multiple global news sources, tailored to the themes that most interest you.
Disclosure and Diagnosis
Track and
Understand, manage, and track relevant ESG metrics for your business.
Publicly disclose metrics according to international standards.
Set targets for key metrics, leverage industry data to benchmark your business, and create a performance report.
Change Understanding
to Action
Diagnose, analyze and take action on the strengths and challenges your business faces in ESG.
Supply and Value Chain Management
Collect Data across supply and value chains
Request Data from all your suppliers or clients.
Leverage great user experience to remove the hassle of repeated explanations.
Use industry wide statistics to find anomalies.
Create Customized Metrics and Experiences
Collect specific metrics prioritized by your organization, or use our standard recommendations.
Customize the experience of stakeholders you reach out to.
Analyze, Disclose, and Leverage
Aggregate data for disclosure or performance evaluation, get in depth analysis metrics across each company.
Leverage insights to meet targets or propose solutions.
Access ESG data all in one place
We collect data from a variety of sources and use AI to augment and ensure its quality. Our data includes information directly disclosed in integrated reports and securities reports as well as alternative sources such as governments, news, and employee satisfaction websites.
This comes together to create one of the largest ESG data sets in Asia.
Analyze ESG information from all angles
Leverage our powerful search functionality to sort and screen out companies based on a variety of indicators, scores, and external evaluations.
Examples include GHG emissions, Diversity Scores, and Negative Screening themes.
Explore the future with forecasting tools
In addition to comprehensive data sets, we provide specialized forecasting and simulating tools to capture how a company is performing relative to external benchmarks and self-set goals.
Download Reports and Data
Reduce time and effort required to create documents and reports with our export features.
Download summarized information as well as raw data in a formats that improve your workflow.
How do you engage in communication with companies for ESG assessments?We do not make individual qualitative judgments on a company-by-company basis, but use unified statistical and mathematical processing to conduct neutral and objective ESG assessments and data estimation. Due to the nature of the service we provide, we do not conduct prior confirmation with individual companies prior to the release of their ratings and data. If you have any questions regarding our assessments or data, please contact us through the "Contact Us" link on this website.
What is your evaluation method?Evaluation indicators are items tuned for Japanese companies while complying with international frameworks such as IIRC, GRI, SASB and SDG Compass. In addition, the evaluation method uses machine learning modeling to introduce different weights for each industry and theme, and adjusts and processes them so that they can be compared with other industries and other companies. In addition, evaluation indicators and evaluation methods will be continuously updated in a timely manner in response to changes in market conditions and social conditions. Sustainability Score Calculation Procedure Non-financial indicators have different orientations, so they are adjusted. (e.g. Smaller CO2 emissions and higher waste recycling rates are desirable) In order to enable comparison between companies regardless of business scale, each non-financial indicator is converted into a ratio with financial indicators according to their characteristics. (e.g. CO2 emissions → CO2 emissions per unit of sales) Calculate the deviation value within the industry (using the GICS 69 industry classification) for each index. Determine the weight of each non-financial indicator according to the disclosure rate in the industry, various sustainability frameworks (GRI, SASB, etc.) and the common use ratio of ESG evaluation organizations, etc., and use the weighted average for each materiality score derived. Based on various sustainability frameworks and materiality maps of ESG rating agencies, we determine the weight of the materiality score for each industry and derive the sustainability score. The materiality score takes into consideration the environment, risks, and opportunities of each industry. For example, energy and manufacturing industries emphasize environment-related indicators, while industries with strict global regulations, such as finance and healthcare, focus on governance-related indicators. attach more importance. SDGs score calculation procedure 1-3 is the same as Sustainability Score. Individual non-financial indicators according to the disclosure rate in the industry, various sustainability frameworks (GRI, SASB, etc.) and the common use ratio of ESG rating agencies, etc. , and derive the score of each 17 SDGs target. The sustainability score is calculated using the same weight for all 17 SDGs target scores.
When is the data used for ESG assessments obtained and updated?Data is usually retrieved and updated at the end of each month.
(シンガポール出張報告会兼勉強会 / サステナブル・ラボ)